How does everything works

Basic information about the Tickets

Just click the button sign up and follow the steps. You will need only your email.
Navigate to game you game you want to watch and press "Buy". Once you are done with purchase, you will get instant access to the game.
It includes all the games that will be available on the platform during the current season.
It includes all the games that will be available on the platform for one month.
If you are an informed financial member (subscription payment from 01/01/2022), or a VIP PASS or GREEN PASS holder for the 2022 – 2023 season, you are entitled to discounts on the annual package. The first step is to make sure you have submitted your email to the Association. Without this step the discount will not work. If you verify your email is registered, press "buy" and you'll see a field to paste your discount code to adjust the price. Biggest discount applies.
You must be a VIP PASS holder for the period 2022 - 2023, and have given your email to the club when purchasing it